Hail Damage: How to Identify It

Hailstorms are probably one of the most damaging weather events your home can ever experience. While hail that can fit in the palm of your hand may seem harmless, the damage it unleashes on your roof can be significant, especially if the hailstones manage to puncture the surface.

Your local roofing contractors from Wadden Construction share how and where to spot dents and bruises on your hail-damaged roof.

Hail Damage

Hail damage leaves noticeable dents and bruises on your roof. The auxiliary parts of the roof, such as the gutters and flashing, are also more susceptible to hail damage. In some cases, you can only tell that the roof was damaged by hail by looking at these parts.

Look for Physical Damage

When doing the preliminary inspections for hail damage home repair, be mindful of the marks this weather event has left behind, which can include dark spots on your roofing system. Unlike other types of inclement weather, hail leaves physical damage to the roof, often in the form of chipped shingles, broken tiles and the aforementioned dented gutters and flashings.

For asphalt roofs, another way to check for signs of hail damage is by testing the granule layer of the roof. Hail can scrape off the roofing granules, and they’ll often end up in the gutters. If you notice that the shingles are less rough to the touch than they used to be, then it’s a clear sign that it’s been damaged by hail.

Hail Splatter

More often than not, hail doesn’t land on the roof in one piece. Usually, it shatters and leaves a “hail splatter”, a huge watermark where the hailstone or rocks dispersed. While they don’t exactly pose as much danger as a full-blown chunk of hail, they can leave noticeable stains on the roof.

As your roofing and siding contractors, Wadden Construction will help you spot hail damage on your roof. Virginia homeowners may reach us at (703) 291-4544 to learn more about our services.