The Superb Characteristics of Vinyl Siding

Increasing curb appeal is one of the reasons homeowners invest in home improvements. Vinyl siding is a great option if you’re in the market for improving your exterior. Wadden Construction, one of the leading siding and roofing contractors, discusses the perks of installing quality vinyl siding in this post.


Performance and Aesthetics, Combined

Make your home more than a looker with vinyl siding. It is jam-packed with great qualities, such as leak defense and moisture resistance. Its ability to block weather damage keeps your siding looking and feeling pristine for a long time.

Additional Weather Defense

Give your home an extra layer of protection with vinyl siding. Vinyl siding protects the structure of your house during the changing seasons. In case of hail damage, contact us for speedy and quality hail damage home repair services.

Increases Energy Efficiency

Imagine how energy-efficient your home will be when covered in vinyl siding with high energy ratings. You’ll save on energy costs and cut down on HVAC use since your house can maintain great thermal levels.

Wadden Construction, one of the top siding contractors in the area, installs quality vinyl siding that can increase the comfort and function of your home. Call us today at (703) 291-4544. You can also fill out our contact form to request a free consultation. We proudly provide installation services to homeowners in Fairfax, VA.