Vinyl Siding: The Best All-Climate Siding?

Siding is available in a variety of materials, and while each material has its own strengths and weaknesses, vinyl stands above the rest. It’s widely considered the best all-climate siding due to its great physical defenses and weather tolerance.

In this post, Wadden Construction shares the key features of vinyl siding that make it the best all-climate choice for homeowners and roofing contractors alike.

Material Durability

Widely considered the direct upgrade to wood, vinyl siding has higher durability and a longer service life when compared to its predecessor. Unlike wood, which tends to falter when exposed to water, vinyl will not rot or split thanks to its higher resistance.

Vinyl is also more resistant to wind than wood, although this ultimately depends on how well it’s installed. Finally, vinyl is virtually immune to insect damage. All these contribute to its longer lifespan, which is up to 50 years with proper care and maintenance.


Many siding contractors recommend vinyl thanks to the temperature adaptability of the material. This has the added bonus of making the material more energy-efficient. Insulated variants of vinyl, in particular, act like blankets that keep the wall studs – the area where heat and cold escape from the inside – warmer during winter and cooler during summer. As its name suggests, insulated vinyl siding also naturally insulates your home even more so than wood, which is widely touted as the best insulating material.

More Sustainable Exteriors

While wood is without a doubt the king in terms of sheer aesthetics, vinyl siding is more sustainable, thanks to its excellent defenses and higher weather tolerance. What this means is your vinyl siding will keep its good looks longer than wood and will require minimum repair and maintenance to do so.

Vinyl also has an extended color palette, which means you have more color options apart from the usual wood stains and earth tones. Some colors even allow vinyl to mimic the look of wood, brick and stone.

At Wadden Construction, you can count on us to properly install your new vinyl siding so you can take advantage of all these benefits. We also offer hail damage home repair. You may contact us at (301) 859-3350 to learn more about our services. We are siding contractors in Rockville, MD.